Sunday 13 February 2011

WIP - Project 12

I've been off work this last week on annual leave, we are getting a new bathroom installed. I thought all I would need to do was supply cups of tea now and again and get on with my sewing. Not a chance, day one went ok till we realised we had lost the water pressure in the heating, day two no hot water, until around dinner time I noticed water coming through my kitchen ceiling...told plumber who said he would need to make a hole to let the water escape....pierced hole in ceiling and the whole bloody thing came down...we had found the hot water... and the rest of the week did not get much better.. so as you can imagine not a lot of stitching. Here is an update on Project 12 I am loving this one, cant wait to see it progress.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely progress on your challenge piece. Sounds like a trying week with your renovations.
